They say a dance teacher’s dream is to inspire other dancers, and the new dance teacher is living proof of just that. Former Northwood student Kristen Norwood has returned to the school to teach students dance along with her former teacher, Leah Smith.
“I love being back here. It’s crazy to be back as a teacher because I used to walk these hallways and I was Kristen; now I walk these hallways as Ms. Norwood,” said Norwood, who graduated in 2006.
The dance department received another teaching position because of the growth of student interest. A panel of interviewers from the staff interviewed Norwood over the summer.
“The interview was in the auditorium and I was so nervous walking down the steps,” Norwood said. “[The interviewers] were sitting there staring at me; I don’t know if I breathed during the interview, but a week later I got a phone call from Mr. Blice offering me the job, and I might have screamed in his ear I was so excited.”
Now she teaches her own group of students everyday with her new colleague, Smith.
“When I first started teaching here I remember she was introduced to me as the soccer player,” Smith said.
“I was all about soccer. I was going to play college soccer until I met this one,” Norwood said, pointing to Smith.
For Smith, this new arrangement is familiar. Before coming to Northwood, she taught with her former teacher at her old high school. So when Norwood joined the NHS staff, Smith found herself in her former teacher’s position.
“The reason why I wanted to be a dance teacher was because of my dance teacher in high school,” Smith said. “When I heard about the position that opened here at Northwood, I decided to leave to see what I was made of.”
This summer, Smith found herself in the role of the mentor looking to hire her former student.
“Out of nowhere, we got the news that we were getting a second dance teacher so it was a complete no brainer,” Smith said. “I knew who I wanted and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. It’s very full circle because now I’m in the position of my dance teacher, and it’s very odd, but very cool at the same time.”
Even though Norwood and Smith are two different dance teachers, they try to keep their classes and teaching style the same.
While Smith’s classes are still held in the dance room, Norwood’s classes are held in the auditorium. The dance concert will be adjusted as well, and both groups will perform together in a grand finale.
“It’s great, it’s busy, it’s crowded,” said Smith.
Added Norwood, laughing, “We’re up close and personal.”
Smith says that she is enjoying having another dance teacher at the school.
“We’ve gotten a lot closer,” she said. “It’s fantastic because every student here at Northwood who wants to take dance can take it and that as dance teachers is our biggest goal and also our biggest thrill. It’s been lively; this room feels very much more alive now than before.”
–By Taylor Maloch