Blue Moon On Halloween

This year’s Halloween will be one of a kind, but not because of the Coronavirus. On Oct. 31, there will be a blue moon lighting up the sky. 

A blue moon is a rare occurrence, hence the phrase  “once in a blue moon.” Believe it or not, a blue moon is not actually blue in color. A blue moon specifically refers to the second full moon within a calendar month. In 2020’s case, it will be the second full moon of October. The first full moon occurred  Oct. 1 and it was the harvest moon. A harvest moon is the first full moon since the September equinox that marks the beginning of Autumn. Most often harvest moons occur in September, so this month has two rare moons. 

Blue moons typically occur on an average of every two to three years, when there are thirteen full moons in a year. Harvest moons are an annual event, but an October harvest moon occurs on an average of every three years or more. The last time a blue moon happened was on Mar. 31, 2018. The last time the world saw a blue moon on Halloween was in 1944–that was 76 years ago. So this Halloween night, be sure to look up to the sky to revel at the “once in a blue moon” blue moon. 

Graphic by Ethan Westmoreland