On Sat. May 15, the Northwood Arts Department hosted a Senior Art Show at the Kiwanis Club in Pittsboro. The show included works from multiple senior artists who will be graduating in the next three weeks.
“Having this show was a very valuable experience, teaching me how to display my work that I’ve done,” senior Caroline Scholer said. “Since it was my last show, it was very meaningful and made me appreciate how strong the arts program is, and how many opportunities it holds for students.”

“(The show) gave me the opportunity to share my art with more people,” senior Elizabeth Cremeans said.

The show was well attended and included guests like Northwood Principal Bradford Walston and Vice Principal Adam Lutterloh.
Senior Jessie Schroder attended the show to see her friends’ artwork.
“Seeing the artist stand beside their physical work and noticing all of the small details that can be missed behind a screen (was the best part),” Schroeder said.
The Northwood Visual Arts Program works to teach artists skills in drawing, painting, sculpture and other mediums for high school and students’ future lives.
“Throughout my time at Northwood, I’ve been able to strengthen my skills and further my knowledge about the fundamentals of art,” Scholer said. “For that I am incredibly thankful.”
“The Northwood Arts Department is super important to me, and it helped me learn my abilities to create work that is strong and worthy of being recognized,” senior Caroline Puckett said.

Many of the program’s participants go on to continue making art later on down the road.

“My entire future career is based around my art skills and hopefully I can make a living off of my work,” Puckett said.
Caroline Scholer plans to double major in art and psych at the University of North Carolina at Asheville this coming fall. Elizabeth Cremeans plans to major in architecture at the University of Minnesota. Caroline Puckett plans to pursue a career in art therapy after attending Hollins University.
Photos by Ella Sullivan.