Seasonal Depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a form of depression that is related to the switching of seasons. It is most commonly...
Senior Georgia O'Reilly discusses social media and its impact on our mental health. Every social media has different purposes. For example, Twitter is mainly a...
Here is what’s happening in our community this coming week! Friday “The Crucible”, Northwood Auditorium, 7 pm. Saturday “The Crucible”, Northwood Auditorium, 7pm. Sunday Charger...
As college acceptance letters have begun to arrive for many Northwood seniors, some students have received major scholarships that they have worked for for all...
This year, students returned to school and hearts dropped when Chromebooks were passed out instead of the treasured Macbook Airs. After a while, the complaining...
Every year, students are asked to fill out a perception survey of their teachers. The questions are usually about how much students respect the teacher...