Walt Disney Animation Studio released Snow White in 1937. This was the studio’s first full-length animated feature. Since then, millions have flocked to theatres to...
[caption id="attachment_2745" align="alignright" width="300"] Courtesy of Pittsboronc.gov[/caption] I’ve lived in the same house for about 13 years. I went to Pittsboro Elementary School around the...
[caption id="attachment_2733" align="alignright" width="300"] Bailey Miller/The Omniscient[/caption] Typical sounds in the Northwood hallways include the ruckus of students talking and shouting, laughter of students and...
Fiesta Grill Quaint and unassuming, I entirely underestimated the experience I was about to enjoy. The Fiesta Grill in Chapel Hill was definitely a pleasant surprise. When I...
Staff Editorial Food and Drink Policy: “A reminder that outside food and drink is not permitted in the building for consump tion before school, during...